Friday, January 16, 2009

Day 5.. and school stuff

Well I completed day 5 of my training. I'm actually a little behind schedule, but I did that on purpose. Since I wasn't very active before this training, I'm going to ease myself in a little more. Day 5 was supposed to be a 30 minute walk, but I just did 20 minutes like the previous days. I'm going to give it a couple extra days, and then jump to the next step. I'm proud of myself for keeping it up. 5 days in a row!! :)

I really think this exercising is affecting my sugars though. They have dramatically dropped, and now seem too low. I'm waiting for word from my doctor on what to do next. That is another reason I didn't want to jump to the next step on my training. I'm hoping the dr. will cut back on some of my meds.

I got some good news today. I enrolled and was immediately accepted into the vet tech program at Baker College!! Woohoo!! I'm so excited. I was told that because of my income level, I should be able to go to school for free! I should qualify for enough grants to cover my tuition! That made my decision so much easier with this school. I'm really happy about it. Orientation is in March, and classes start in April!! :) Woohoo!


  1. Congrats!! That is so great to hear! You made the right choice.
